Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tarea de hoy (el 4 de marzo)

Here is the plan for today. As a class, you will watch episode 6 of Extra and complete the worksheet. Be sure to write the letter on the back, focusing on the past tenses. Then, you will click below to listen to the story about Juanita. As you listen to the story, fill in the missing words on the paper that you will get. Then, answer the questions on the back side. Turn these in to the sub.

Lastly, you will use your Google Drive to create a Google Presentation about something in the past tense. Remember back to last class when we discussed some of the differences between preterite and imperfect. Click here to see the document with some questions to help you choose the correct form. On a Google Presentation, you will create a story that is 6 sentences long. Each sentence will appear on a different slide. Include pictures with each slide, that go along with the sentence that you have written (think children's book). The sentences must be in Spanish and they must be complex sentences, like we practiced last class. Be sure to provide details. The title of your story is: "La niña y el perro loco". You may go in any direction that you want with this story, but that should be the starting point. Be sure to "Share" the document with me at kanzlerd@friscoisd.org.
Finally, we will have a quiz next class over some preterite and imperfect. We will review at the beginning of class and take the quiz at the end.

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