Spanish 1 Review

Descriptions vocab


Days of the week

Months and birthdays


Question words

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Describing self/others Project (Major Grade)

Descriptions vocab part 1

Please see the links below to review the different subject pronouns and the different conjugations of the verb "ser".

Subject pronouns


Descriptions vocab part 2

Gustar: click here to review notes on how to use gustar and porque

Listening practice: Listen to the 5 statements and write down what they are saying in English.

Remember with noun/adjective agreement that the adjective must agree in quantity and gender with the subject being described.

For example:

She is tall. Ella es alta. (The subject is a girl, so the adjective ends in "a").

They are smart. Ellos son intelectuales. (The subject is "ellos", so the adjective needs to be plural as well).

Now, try some yourself. Change the adjective in parenthesis so that it matches the subject of the sentence. (Don't worry if you don't know the adjective, focus on the endings):

1. Los libros son _______________________ (interesante).
2. El señor es __________________ (alto).
3. María y Elena son _________________ (simpático).
4. La casa es ________________ (nuevo).
5. Los muchachos son ___________________ (inteligente).
6. La chica es ____________________ (aburrido).
7. Mis amigos y yo somos _____________________ (guapo).
8. Marco y Oscar son ___________________ (antipático).
9. Yo no soy ___________________ (tonto).
10. Nosotros no somos ____________________ (atlético).

Click here to check your answers for correctness.
Activities vocab

Family vocab

Listening practice: Click the player below to listen to 5 sentences in Spanish, played 3 times each. Copy them down exactly as you hear them. Then, when it is complete, translate them into English.
Remember: To say I like to do an activity, it is: Me gusta correr. Me gusta comer hamburguesas.
To express dislike, the "no" comes before the indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les): No me gustan las verduras. No me gusta leer libros de amor.
Also, if you are talking about someone else, don't forget the "a" in front of their name with "gusta" or "gustan": A Jenifer le gusta navegar por internet. A Willie le gusta tocar el piano. A Bill y a Mary les gusta hacer ejercicio. A ellas no les gusta bailar.
el fin de semana=weekend

Spanish Listening Excercise

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Test Review

House and chores vocab

Tener que + infinitive is used to express "having to do" something.

yo             tengo                nosotros          tenemos
tú              tienes
él/ella/Ud.   tiene               ellos/ellas/Uds.   tienen

For example: Yo tengo que lavar los platos todos los días.
                     Mi madre tiene que hacer la cama.

Prepositions: use estar with these prepositions to discuss locations

yo             estoy                nosotros          estamos
tú              estás
él/ella/Ud.   está                ellos/ellas/Uds.   están

al lado de= next to  

cerca de= close to

lejos de= far from

encima de= on top of, above

debajo de= underneath, below

delante de= in front of

detrás de= behind

For example: Mi cuarto está delante del cuarto de mi hermano.
                     La cocina está al lado del comedor.
                     El baño está cerca de la sala.

Weather vocab

Places and frequency vocab

"Going to": To express the idea of "going to" do something, you simply take the correct conjugation of "ir", add an "a" and then add the infinitive of the verb that they are "going to" do. For example: I am going to swim. Yo voy a nadar.

Ir conjugations

 Practice translating these:
1. We are going to eat pizza.
2. They are going to play videogames tonight.
3. I am going to go to the gym after school.
4. She is never going to swim at the beach.
5. Are you going to go shopping at the mall?

Click here to see the answers.

Also remember, if you have a (to) and el (the) next to each other, they become "al". For example: Instead of "Voy a el cine con mis amigos", the correct answer should be "Voy al cine con mis amigos". (I go to the movie theater with my friends).

To express the idea of "at" (at the beach, at the gym, at the mall, etc.), you simply use the word "en" (en la playa, en el gimnasio, en el centro comercial).

Click here to take a "quiz" to practice with the conjugations of "ir".

Click here to practice some of the vocab that will be on the quiz on 1/17-1/18. (To help with this: "escuela" = school, "casa" = house, "ninguna" = none (no voy a ninguna parte = I don't go anywhere).

¿Qué tiempo hace? Can you look at the pictures below and answer this question?

Essay review
Quizlet Flashcards

Click here to see the answers to the listening.
For the test, review your body parts, daily routines, reflexive verbs, numbers and colors.
Vocab practice with daily routines

Las partes del cuerpo
Quizlet vocab practice
La rutina diaria
Reflexive verbs video

Sample essay/conversation
Comer en un restaurante vocab

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