Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Extra episode 7

¿Cuánto cuesta esto?

Use the information below to help with today's activity. Once you have found the information on the sheet (click here to access the sheet if you were absent), then look at the sample catalogues below from Mexico, to see what you are going to do. You will, in pairs, create your own, colorful, advertisement for a minimum of 10 items, based on the cost that you researched.
Cost of Living in Argentina
Cost of Living in Madrid, Spain
Cost of Living in Mexico City, Mexico
Cost of Living in Dallas, TX
Extended Cost of Living in Mexico
Extended Cost of Living in Madrid
Extended Cost of Living in Dallas
Extended Cost of Living in Argentina
Currency converter
Measurement Converter
Cheerios en España

Cereal en México

Cereal en Argentina

Cereal en EE.UU.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Un anuncio para tu puesto

You are going to make an advertisement for your stand in your market. This will be done individually. You may use your notes, but this will be very similar to the "anuncio" that you will do on the day the project is due, without notes. Look at this as practice and ask me if you have any questions as to how to do this. Use your vocabulary lists, not Google Translate. The anuncio needs to have:
1. the name of your "puesto"
2. picture and name of the products that you sell (have a minimum of 3 different products)
3. description of each of the products (size, color, origin, etc.)
4. what are the deals or offers that you are advertising?
5. what makes your item(s) unique or special (handmade, rare, authentic?)
6. make a comparison to another store or stand (can be real or made up) (ie. price, quality, quantity, etc.)
7. needs to be in color and in Spanish, including illustrations of your stand/product and what you are selling.
This anuncio needs to be turned in before class is over. If you are absent, bring it to your next class. Next class you will be filming your commercial, which will be due the following class (4/17 or 4/18).