Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Martes, el 10 de diciembre

I am not feeling well today. (Estoy mal, tengo tos y me duelen la garganta y la cabeza. También tengo fiebre). While I am out, you have a few things to do today. Stay on task and be productive. Don't forget that next class we will have a test and you will recite your memorized dialogues to me.

1) Find the essay that you wrote last class (it should be with the sub on the front desk). Then get a copy of the writing checklist and carefully do everything that it says to do. (If the sub can't find the writing checklist, you may access it from here). Don't rush on this. If you do it correctly, it should take you about 30 minutes. Don't forget to read all of the directions. Turn it into the sub when complete. This activity will help you prepare for the written part of the test.

2) Take the vocab quiz. You will take this on the Examview Player. To get to it, go to the Student drive (S:), Examview, Kanzler, Vocab Quiz 3.2. There will probably be multiple options, be sure to choose the one that says "Vocab Quiz 3.2", nothing else. The password is "cabeza". Do not cheat in any way, the sub will be watching.

3) Watch the 3rd episode of Extra, using your headphones. Scroll down a little on this page and you will find it. There is a worksheet that goes with it. Be sure to get this from the sub. If the sub can't find it, you can get it from here.

Don't forget to come prepared for the test next class. There will be reading and listening comprehension, as well as writing. Use the example of the essay you worked on in class to help guide you as you prepare. Remember our objectives for this 6 weeks:

1) Be able to talk in the past tense about things (especially injuries) that happened.
2) Be able to have a conversation with a doctor about how you are feeling.

Also, come to class with your dialogue memorized. If you did not come prepared today, you are off the hook. If you did come prepared, I apologize. I would much rather be at school than be home sick. If you lost your dialogue or can't remember it, click here and figure out which of the 2 was yours. If you have time, practice with your partner.

¡Hasta jueves!