Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Martes, el 30 de abril/ miércoles, el primero de mayo

There are 2 things for you to accomplish before the end of the period today (these are due by the end of the period, otherwise you will receive a zero, use your time wisely and use notes/vocab where necessary). First, you will review a cultural article about one of Mexico's most famous traditions: Cinco de Mayo. Click here to access the article. After reading the article, answer the questions and complete the form below. Then, when you have completed that cultural reading, you are going to show off your Spanish skillz.
Then, go to epals and come see me for your username and password. You will then write an email to a friend in Colombia (in Spanish), in which you do the following:
1) introduce yourself (name, age, where from, birthday)
2) talk about your favorite foods (from vocab)
3) ask them a minimum of 3 questions (in Spanish)
4) then, translate everything you said in Spanish into English (they are a class that is learning English, so this is to help them out)
5) send
Click here to see your login and password, as well as the person to whom you will be writing.
Lastly, go to the Unit 6 tab and look at the flashcards on Quizlet. Using the backside of your most recent vocab sheet, enter in the English for the new vocab.